Recorded Webinar: Spread the Word About Your Cleaning Business With Social Media. It's Easier Than You Think!

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Marketing with social media is all the rage these days, but if you're overwhelmed with the whole idea, then this is the class for you!

This is a recorded webinar hosted by Jean Hanson. Jean simplifies social media marketing and gives you simple strategies for spreading the word about your cleaning business using social media. See real life examples of marketing that works, Do's and Don'ts, fitting it into your marketing plan, and content strategies.

Included with your purchase are the webinar presentation notes.

P.S. If you're NOT a member and would like to download the webinar for free, simply sign up for membership here

Attention Members:
This webinar is FREE for you so do not order it here. Instead, download it here

Non-Member Price $27.00
Member Price $0.00

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