Customer Service Forms


This’s a group of business and marketing forms

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This’s a group of business and marketing forms

This’s a group of business and marketing forms

Customer Complaint Log:

A form to help document when a customer calls in with a complaint and how the complaint was resolved. Whenever a customer makes a complaint, the complaint should be documented as well as the actions that were taken to resolve the complaint. There is room on the form to indicate not only the specific problem, but what actions were taken to resolve the problem and if the issue was resolved satisfactorily. Click here to view this form.

Residential Cleaning Survey:

Do you know if your residential customers are pleased with your work? This one page survey will let them evaluate how your crews are doing. This one page survey is a great tool for finding out how your customers feel about the job you are doing. It includes the following areas to be evaluated: dusting, vacuuming, hard floors, kitchens, living rooms, office, dens, and bathrooms. It also asks about the attitude of your cleaning staff and if their concerns are resolved quickly and to their satisfaction. Click here to view this form.

Residential Policies:

Cleaning Policies for Residential Customers. Avoid any confusion with your residential cleaning customers. This policy form explains in detail what your company policies are - including: payment, cancellation, special service requests, pets, keys and how you will address disputes. Get on the right track with your new customers by making sure they have a copy of your policies before any questions arise. Click here to view this form.

Return Keys:

Sign-off sheet to be used when returning keys to customers after cleaning services are done. When you return keys to a customer it's important that you have a sign-off sheet where they indicate the customer has received the keys back from you. This form has places where you can indicate who you returned the keys to, how many keys were returned, and the last day of service. There are places for both parties to sign and date the form. Click here to view this form.

Communications Log:

The customer communications log is a form that you and your customer can use to easily communicate back and forth. The customer communications log is a form that you can use to easily leave messages for your customers and for your customers to have a convenient way to leave information for your cleaning staff. There is an area to write a question/service request and then also an area for your response (or your client's response to your question). There is also an area to mark if the issue has been resolved. Click here to view this form.

Cancel Service Form:

Form to be used if canceling a cleaning contract. Use this form when you are canceling a cleaning contract with a home owner. Places for signature and date of when cleaning will be stopped. Click here to view this form.

Cancel Service Letter:

This letter is a follow up to the home owner stating when and why the cleaning is stopped. Use this letter when you are terminating service with a home owner and you need to put it in writing. This letter explains to the home owner why services are being stopped and the date in which they are stopped. Click here to view this form.

Client Records:

Use this form to keep cleaning records for clients. Use this form when writing up a client record for a homeowner. This forms give you information on name, address, pets, who is assigned to clean the home, frequency of clean and other pertinent information on the client. Click here to view this form.

Complaint Follow Up Letter:

If your company gets a complaint from a customer follow up the complaint with this letter. This is a letter to send out to your customer after receiving a complaint from them. Enclosed at the bottom of this letter is a coupon you can use to entice them to continue to use your services. Click here to view this form.

Customer Complaint of Damaged Item:

When a customer complains that damage has been done, use this form to document what was reported. When a customer has a complaint about damaged property, document it on this form. It will tell you who called, what was damaged, what the value is of the item and so on. Click here to view this form.

Customer Missing Item Letter:

When you get a call from a home owner that something is missing, use this letter as a follow up to your conversation. This letter is to be sent to your customer after they have called you to complain about a missing item from their home. This letter details that you heard them and that you are looking into the situation and that you hope for a peaceful resolution to the situation. Click here to view this form.

Customer Missing Item Report:

Take a report when a customer calls you to report a missing item in their home. Document what was said by the customer when they call to complain that an item is missing from their home. This report will have you asking the right questions to the homeowner about the missing item. Click here to view this form.

Customer Service Complaint Form:

This form to be used when a customer calls in for a customer service complaint. When a customer calls in to complain about their house cleaning service use this form to document what they say. This forms contains who called in, what the complaint was about and follow up reviews. Click here to view this form.

Customer Service Complaint Letter:

This letter documents to the home owner what you are going to be doing for follow up to the complaint. When a customer calls in to complain about their house cleaning service, send this letter as a follow up to your conversation. At the bottom of the letter are coupons the customer can use for future cleanings from your company. Click here to view this form.

Damage Letter:

This letter is a follow up to the customer when something in the home was damaged by an employee. When something is damaged or broken by an employee of your house cleaning company, this letter is a follow up to the customer to let them know of what happened and what will be done to rectify the situation. Click here to view this form.

Damage/Breakage Report:

Take a report when there has been damage or breakage to property while cleaning a home. Take a report when something has been damaged or broken in a home by an employee while doing house cleaning. Document the who, what and when it happened. Click here to view this form.

Master Key Log:

Master Key Log for logging keys and who has possession of keys. When you own a cleaning business you have possession of many, many keys. In order to keep control of keys and cards for all the homes you clean you should have a Master Key Log. This log has columns for the name of the account, the code for the key, the employee who has possession of the key/card the date issued and date returned. Keep the log in a secure place. Click here to view this form.

Return Keys:

When you return keys to a customer it's important that you have a sign-off sheet where it indicate the customer has received the keys back from you. This form has places where you can indicate who you returned the keys to, how many keys were returned, the last day of service and if either party (the contractor or the customer) gave the proper 30 day notice to terminate the contract. There are places for the customer and contractor to sign and date the form. If the customer refuses to sign the form, there is a spot for a witness to sign so that you can verify the keys were returned. Click here to view this form.

Telephone Call Log for Advertising:

Keep track of the calls you get from your advertising. When people call your company ask them where they got your name. If it is from advertising that you have done, keep track of that on this advertising call log. This will help define what areas of your advertising are working and what is not. Click here to view this form.

Unable to Perform Service:

When a cleaning is scheduled and for some reason you were not able to clean the home. When you have a cleaning scheduled and for some reason the cleaning could not be performed fill out this form so there is documentation that the cleaning was not done. The reason why it could not be done, the date it was scheduled for and if the customer will be billed for it. Click here to view this form.


Non-Member Price $30.00

Member Price $0.00

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