HR and Employee Forms


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This’s a group of business and marketing forms.

This’s a group of business and marketing forms.

Attendance Card:

The Attendance Card is a concise, one page form that allows you to look at an employee's time record for an entire year.The Attendance Card is a comprehensive, but one page form, that specifies how an employee has spent time throughout the year. This simple to use form has the entire year's dates in one table that can easily be filled in to indicate days an employee has taken off and the reason for taking the time off. There is also room on the form to list the vacation, sick and personal days an employee has earned and how many days have been used. Click here to view this form.

Attendance Record:

This form helps to keep track of an employee's days off and the reason the employee needed the time off.The Attendance Record Form is a useful form for keeping track of an employee's time off, both excused and unexcused days off. Click here to view this form.

Comprehensive Counseling Report:

This form is a comprehensive written counseling/incident report. The form includes fields that can be used if the necessary corrective action is not taken.This Comprehensive Written Counseling/Incident Report is a more detailed form than our written counseling report. This form not only documents the incident or behavior that occured and the necessary corrective action, but also allows room for how this behavior has impacted the work being done and the consequences that may occur if work standards are not meet. There is also a line to indicate in how many days the matter will be reviewed. Click here to view this form.

Confidential Employee History:

This Confidential Employee History Form will help you to keep track of the vital statistics for your employees such as withholding, home address and emergency notification.The Confidential Employee History Form is an easy to use form to help you keep track of your employee's information. There is room on the form for home address (and address changes), emergency notification information and also a place to list pay raises. The bottom of the form includes fields to enter information for employees who have resigned or been terminated from the company and if that employee would be recommended for re-employment. Click here to view this form.

Dress Code Policy:

This form will help your employees understand the importance of a professional appearance while at job sites.A professionally looking staff is important to your cleaning company's image. This form includes an employee sign-off line where employees indicate they have read and understand the company's dress code. The form also has lines where you can indicate the company clothing that has been issued to an employee. The return policy for company clothing is also included on this form. Click here to view this form.

Drug Testing Form:

Drug Testing Release Form for your employees to sign stating they are willing to take drug test and for the results to be sent to you.It is routine for many businesses to do a pre-employment employee drug test. Making sure your employees are not on drugs helps to ensure that you have a safe working environment for all employees. Many hospital and clinics will perform drugs tests for a small fee. You, as the employer, must have the potential employee sign off on an authorization form that will release results of the test to you. Click here to view this form.

Employee Evaluation Form:

The Employee Evaluation Form is a concise, one page form to use for employee evaluations.The Employee Evaluation Form is a concise, but one page form for your supervisor's to use when evaluating cleaning company employees. The form evaluates the following areas: Attitude, Attendance, Quality of Work, Quantity of Work, Technical Skills, Punctuality, Care of Equipment, Safe Work Habits, Motivation, Appearance and Cooperation. Employees are rated on a scale that runs from poor to excellent. The form is signed off by both the employee and the employee's supervisor. Click here to view this form.

Employee Performance Appraisal:

This form is a comprehensive employee performance appraisal. There form is broken down into several areas so you can rate the employee on the various aspects of his or her work.The Performance Appraisal is a comprehensive form to use when evaluating employees. The form is broken down into several areas where an employee can be rated on his or her skills. The areas rated include basic skills, detail cleaning, organization, care and cleanliness of equipment, quantity of work, amount of supervision needed and communication and teamwork skills Click here to view this form.

New Employee Orientation Checklist:

New Employee Orientation Checklist so that your employees understand your policies and procedures.Get your employees started right by making sure that they understand your cleaning company's policies and procedures. Use this orientation check-off list to make sure that you cover everything a new employee needs to know. This form includes what documents you need to have in a new employee's file as well as going over the company's policy manual, specific company policy and procedures, and the topics that should be covered in safety training. Click here to view this form.

Employee Timesheet:

Keep track of how much time is spent at each job site with this employee timesheet.The Employee Timesheet form will help you to not only keep track of your employee's hours, but it also has a field to list where the employee was working and what type of work was being done. This will assist you in keeping track of how much time is spent at each cleaning job. There is also room for the employee to write comments. Click here to view this form.

Company Turnover Report:

This form is an easy way to keep track of the turnover in your cleaning business. It gives a monthly breakdown of how many employees you currently have and how many have left the company.The Company Turnover Report will assist you in looking at the overall employee status of your business on a month-to-month basis. The form asks for number of employees, termination and turnover for each month in a calendar year. It also has space for comments that can be helpful to indicate why employees are leaving your cleaning company. Click here to view this form.

Employment Application:

Make sure that you get all the information you need from prospective employees by using this employment application. The application form will help you to screen prospective employees by asking for all the right information.This employment application form will make sure that you get all needed information from prospective employees. As well as asking for employment history, it asks other vital information, such as driver's license number, days and hours available for work, education history and other skills and qualificiations. Click here to view this form.

Employee Background Check:

Make sure you are protected with this Employee Background Check form. Have the employees sign off on it to get approval to do a background check on them before they start cleaning.Your cleaning employees are likely to be working in homes when no one else is around. In addition, they may be around confidential material, money or other valuables. Protect yourself by doing an employee background check before any new employees start. This form authorizes your cleaning company to perform a background check or to have a private firm conduct the background check and release the results to you. Click here to view this form.

Equipment Policy:

Proper care and storage of equipment helps to maintain a positive image for the company. This sign off form will help your employees know what is expected of them when it comes to the care and storage of company equipment.Help keep your equipment in good shape by having your employees understand the importance of proper care and storage of the equipment that they use while working. This sign off form spells out the employee's responsibilities in taking care of your cleaning company's equipment. There is also space on the form to indicate equipment that has been checked out to an employee for use at a secondary location. The form also has a paragraph indicating employees are responsible for reading and understanding warning labels on all cleaning chemicals that are used. Click here to view this form.

Interview Questions:

Hiring employees can be a difficult process. Make it easier by using a standard set of interview questions that address the specifics that pertain to the cleaning industry. This series of questions will help you to find the best employees for your cleaning business.Make sure that you cover all the bases when interviewing prospective employees. This form gives you a set of interview questions that covers most situations and will help you determine if an applicant will make a good employee for your cleaning business. Questions asked not only include the basics of why you left your last employment, but how would an employee handle difficult situations. Click here to view this form.

Key Release Form:

Key Release Form to help you keep track of who the keys were assigned to and where the keys are locatedThere will be times when you will be cleaning a home when the homeowner is not home. Of course, the client will have to give you keys to their homes so you can do your job. This form will help you to keep track of when you received keys to a home and what employees have been assigned keys. The form also has home owner contact information and has information about when keys will be returned if the cleaning contract expires. Click here to view this form.

Noncompete Agreement:

Noncompete Agreement for your employees to sign so that they don't become a direct competitor of yours.Many companies use noncompete agreements to protect themselves in case one of their employees decides to start up their own business in same field. This one page agreement puts in writing what you expect of your employees and the consequences that could happen if they become a direct competitor of your cleaning business. Click here to view this form.

Nondisclosure & Noncompete:

Nondisclosure & Noncompete Agreement between your and your employee so the employee doesn't start their own company and steal clients from you.Many companies have their employees sign nondisclosure and noncompete agreements to help protect the company from an employee starting up their own business and "stealing customers". This one page agreement will make it clear to your employees what you expect of them when it comes to confidential company information and customer lists. Click here to view this form.

Possession of Company Property:

This form will help you to assign company property to employees and to keep track of which employees have items belonging to the company.If your employees will have possession of company property it is important that you keep track of which items they have. This form gives you fields to enter building keys that employees have in their possession, as well as other company belongings, such as credit cards, cell phones or pagers. The form also spells out the company policy for when items have to be turned in after an employees termination. Click here to view this form.

Request Leave of Absence:

A short form to help you keep track of a requested leave of absence for an employee.The Request for Leave of Absence Form is a short, but concise form for an employee to fill out when he (or she) needs a leave of absence. This form has sections for the employee to indicate the timeframe he or she will be gone and also the reason for the absence. The form is then signed off by the employee and the employee's supervisor. Click here to view this form.

Supervisor Performance Evaluation:

A form for employees to fill out to evaluate their supervisor. This form will help you to decide if your supervisor is communicating well with your employees and making sure that your employees are working as a team.Make sure that all of your employees are working as a well-formed team. This form gives your employees an opportunity to rate their supervisor(s). Have your employees fill out this form to answer important questions about their supervisor, including the following: Is your supervisor meeting with employees and asking for suggestions and ideas? Do your employees feel like they are working to the best of their abilities? Is everyone on your staff working as a team? Are there open lines of communication flowing from employees to supervisors, and not just from supervisor to employees? Click here to view this form.

Termination Statement:

This form will assist in documenting the reasons an employee has decided to leave your business.Whether it is a voluntary or involuntary termination, it is important that a business document why an employee has decided to leave your company. This concise form will help make recordkeeping of terminating employees a snap. The employee indicates his last day of work and the reason for leaving employment. The form is then signed off by both the employee and the employee's supervisor. Click here to view this form.

Use of Company Owned Vehicle:

This form is important for all cleaning businesses that have company owned vehicles that will be driven by employees. The form spells out all of the rules employees must abide by when driving company vehicles.Does your firm have company vehicles that your employees use to get to job sites? If you answered, yes, then you need this form. The form has a place where employees can sign off indicating that they have read the rules regarding the use of company vehicles. Rules include keeping track of company miles, reporting any violations or accidents incurred while driving, reporting any noises or dents, and other important guidelines employees should follow when driving company vehicles Click here to view this form.

Vacation Request Form:

The Vacation Request Form is an simple one page form the employee fills out to request vacation time.The Vacation Request Form is an easy to use one page form employees fill out to request time off. There is an area to mark if it is a vacation day or just requested unpaid day off. The form is signed by the employee and the employee's supervisor. Click here to view this form.

Vacation Schedule:

The Vacation Schedule is a two page form that will help your cleaning business keep track of when employees request their vacation days and make sure you have enough employees on hand to keep the clients happy.The Vacation Schedule is a two page form that can easily be used to keep track of employee vacations and requested days off. By using the form you can quickly see if employees have requested time off and therefore assist you in scheduling purposes. Click here to view this form.

Written Counseling Report:

It is important to keep documentation on all employee incidents and the recommend actions taken. This form will help with that recordkeeping task.This written counseling/incident report form will assist you to keep track of any employee problems. It is important to keep a written record of any type of incidents that occur and what actions that you, as the employer, have taken to make sure the problem does not happen again. Click here to view this form.


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