
How do you get field technicians in the right frame of mind to take leadership and skill development seriously? With our Promotions and Advancement Training Videos. 

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How do you get field technicians in the right frame of mind to take leadership and skill development seriously? With our Promotions and Advancement Training Videos. 

How do you get field technicians in the right frame of mind to take leadership and skill development seriously? With our Promotions and Advancement Training Videos. 

When you've got a strong staff, and particularly a moderately sized and growing staff, you start to think about promoting from within to leadership and office positions rather than always hiring from outside.

The Field Staff Training video series on Promotions and Advancement is a collection of instant download videos presenting other positions commonly found in a profitable and growing cleaning company - but from the perspective of the field technician and what s/he needs to do to show an owner or HR manager that s/he's ready to be promoted. Each set includes 5 short videos (5-7 minutes on average) in a series that introduces, challenges, and reinforces the lesson of the set.

Browse our collection on Promotion and Advancement - and be sure to check out our collections on all areas of professional development.


Cleaning to Perfection - Carpet Spotting Training Program (PDF Download)
Residential Cleaning to Perfection Training Program (PDF Download)
The 4D Cleaning Process (Cleaning Tutorial Video Bundle)
Customer Care Training Program for Residential Cleaners (PDF Download)