Safety Training for Residential Cleaners Video (online access)


OSHA and GHS Compliant Safety Training for Cleaning Companies

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OSHA and GHS Compliant Safety Training for Cleaning Companies

OSHA and GHS Compliant Safety Training for Cleaning Companies

In 1970 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) was created for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of workers in the labor force.

The General Duty Clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) states that each employer shall furnish to each of their employees a place of employment that is to be free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees.

The Safety Training Program for Residential Cleaners Video is OSHA and GHS Compliant, and it meets CIMS Certification Requirements

EMPLOYERS: Have you trained your employees on the new GHS label elements and safety data sheet (SDS) yet? If not, you've missed the deadline!

OSHA has modified the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to adopt the GHS to improve safety and health of workers through more effective communications on chemical hazards.

According to OSHA: "The GHS provides a standardized approach, including detailed criteria for determining what hazardous effects a chemical poses, as well as standardized label elements assigned by hazard class and category. This will enhance both employer and worker comprehension of the hazards, which will help to ensure appropriate handling and safe use of workplace chemicals. In addition, the safety data sheet requirements establish an order of information that is standardized."

Adoption of the GHS in the U.S. and around the world will also help to improve information received from other countries—since the U.S. is both a major importer and exporter of chemicals, American workers often see labels and safety data sheets from other countries.  If countries around the world adopt the GHS, it will improve communication globally."

Watch a preview of the video:

This Video is approximately 1 hour in length. The topics include:

  • Workplace safety

  • Drive safely

  • Emergency preparedness

  • Home security and safety

  • On-Location emergencies

  • Accidents and first aid

  • Workplace hazards

  • Slips, trips and falls

  • Ladder and foot stool safety

  • Electrical safety

  • Container labels

  • Safety data sheets (SDS)

  • Chemical safety

  • Personal protective equipment

  • Respirators

  • Heat stress

  • Hearing protection

  • Eye strain

  • Bloodborne pathogens

  • Cleaning blood or body fluid spills

  • Back injuries

  • Ergonomics

  • Drugs and alcohol

  • Workplace violence

  • OSHA accident requirements

  • Test questions

Also included with the Video are two Word documents (located at the end of the last video)

  1. One contains the Safety Exam questions and answer key.

  2. The other contains a Certificate of Completion, which you can fill out for each employee that completes the training. This certificate should be dated and put into the employee file. Training should be reviewed yearly.


Non-Member Price $100.00
Member Price $75.00

OSHA and GHS Compliant Safety Training for Cleaning Companies(Print)
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